Emergency & After-Hours Repairs

After hours emergency maintenance – Please call us on 07 3839 5000 or 0420 955 000 first, please leave a voicemail and/or send an SMS. If you are unable to get a hold of us after leaving a message, please then call the following appropriate contractor who have service arrangements with Inner Brisbane Realty, as per your current general tenancy agreement.

Please see below in what defines an emergency repair.

Electrician: DC Electrical 1300 707 694
Plumber: AK Blair Plumbing 07 3394 4575
Locksmith: HA Reed Locksmith 1300 427 333


What is an Emergency Repair?
Please refer to Legislation following for what is classified as Emergency Repairs: RTRA ACT 2008 Section 214 – Meaning of Emergency Repairs. They are works needed for any of the following:

  • burst water service or a serious water service leak
  • blocked or broken lavatory system
  • serious roof leak
  • gas leak
  • dangerous electrical fault
  • flooding or serious flood damage
  • serious storm, fire or impact damage
  • failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply to premises
  • failure or breakdown of an essential service or appliance on premises for hot water, cooking or heating
  • fault or damage that makes the premises unsafe or insecure
  • fault or damage likely to injure a person, damage property or unduly inconvenience a tenant of the premises
  • serious fault in a staircase, lift or other common area of premises that unduly inconveniences a tenant in gaining access to, or using, the premises.

If the repair is NOT of an urgent nature, please send an email to rentals@innerbrisbane.com.
Please note if the job is attended to and is not an emergency, you may be liable to pay the cost incurred.

Other Important Numbers:
Ambulance, Fire, Police 000
Police Link 131 444
Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000
24 Hour Health Advice 134 325 84
Brisbane City Council 3403 8888
Energex 131 253
SES 132 500
Life Line 131 114
Kids Help Line 1800 551 800
Beyond Blue Depression 1300 224 636

All other emails will be attended to during office hours.

Inner Brisbane Realty
Email: Rentals@innerbrisbane.com 
Phone: 07 3839 5000
Mobile: 0420 995 000


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